1. Identify the sentence which is in the positive degree:
2. Which one of the following words is an example of a compound word consisting of an adverb+participle?
3. Which figure of speech does the expression, 'the hissing noise of the snake' contain?
4. ' The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done' -
The figure of speech used by Walt Whitman in these lines is_________
5. 'Imagine if your precious nose were sandwiched in between your tees'
What does the word 'Sandwiched' mean here?
6. H.W. Longfellow's poem 'The Psalm of Life' is a piece of
7. Who do you think is these lines addressed to:
You cannot rob us of the rights we cherish,
Nor turn our thoughts away
From the bright picture of a ' women's mission'
Our hearts portray
8. Which of the following lines belong to H.W. Longfellow's 'A Psalm of Life'?
9. Who told the following statement?
'Tolerance is the highest result of education'.
10. 'To call woman the weaker sex is a libel;It is man's injustice to woman '. Who said these words about Women?